The same goes for Retina display support (which did cause the game to slow down a tad on our fourth-gen iPod touch) and sound effects. Like most other features, it’s never forced upon you, but merely there should you need it. Or, if you’re so inclined, you can show off how well you’re doing by linking your game to Twitter and Facebook, with entirely optional messages relaying your most significant achievements to friends, family, and followers. If you’re lucky enough to own more than one iOS device, you’ll be able to move your game save between them, perhaps starting the day with a quick rundown of your next opponents with your iPad at the breakfast table before playing the match on your iPhone during the commute to work. You choose four from a selection of 12 countries for accurate overseas info - enough to dabble in the international transfer market without slowing down the whole game.Įach club has a complete set of reserves, and as much detail as you could ever want about a bewildering array of real-world players. With your squad already in place, there’s little of the slow, occasionally laborious setup of the standard Career mode, and with half the season down in most cases these relatively bite-sized morsels are ideally suited to the format.Įlsewhere, it trims the fat from its big brother while retaining the managerial meat. Here, you’re given a choice of four different scenarios to tackle, with testing challenges like finishing the season unbeaten, or convincing disillusioned players of your ability as a boss, and avoiding the sack in the process. Take, for example, the new Challenge Mode.

Sure, it’s not as fully-featured as the PC game, but it’s perfectly tailored for mobile play.

The beauty of Football Manager Handheld is that it allows you to dabble at the most basic of levels while offering depth for those who need it. It’s gone from having a face only a mother could love to the managerial equivalent of Ryan Gosling. In a game that's essentially a series of spreadsheets, that’s no mean feat. It even looks - dare we say it - attractive. It’s a slick, smooth, and classy-looking thing, with large buttons for the fat or clumsy of thumb, inventive shortcuts, slide controls, and a drag-and-drop setup for easy substitutions, tactical tweaks, and more. Yet its most significant triumph is its interface. Here’s New Feature A that does this, there’s Incremental Improvement B which means that. It’s easy to boil down the yearly iterations of Football Manager into dry lists of statistics and upgrades.